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📅Release Cycle
  • Release:Aug 6th, 2024

  • Preview:Aug 9th, 2024

  • Production:Sep 6th, 2024



  • Added Insights for Knowledge Models in Analytics

  • Added option to view all resolved Comments

  • Added possibility to assign Comments to Users

  • Added information that Knowledge Model is outdated to Project Analytics

  • Added field "Outdated Knowledge Model" to Analytics

  • Added Mailer version to About modal in Registry

  • Improved sidetabs (TODOs, Comments and Version History) in Project to be persistent on reload or reopen

  • Reworked Announcements to be configured in Admin Center only


  • Fixed email was sent when User added themselves to a Project

  • Fixed file exported immediately after importing Values to Value Integration was empty

  • Fixed nothing happened after trying to import empty file to Value Integration

  • Fixed other present Users name was not visible whole in anonymous Project Sharing