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📅Release Cycle
  • Release:Jul 2nd, 2024

  • Preview:Jul 5th, 2024

  • Production:Aug 9th, 2024



  • Added Knowledge Models to Analytics

  • Added collapse for follow-up questions in Questionnaire

  • Added highlight to a selected row in Audit Log

  • Added information on which Document Template was used to create a Document to Documents List

  • Added scroll to newly added Item in List of Items question in a Questionnaire

  • Added order by last name to Owners and Members of a User Group

  • Improved loading of Project Detail

  • Improved links in Audit Log to be opened in new tab

  • Improved error message when using wrong ID/token in Registry

  • Reworked Share modal in Project Detail improving handling of Project link


  • Fixed Analytics filter would be hidden behind menu if the first column was too thin

  • Fixed Analytics scroll to start when changing views would broke first column

  • Fixed Project would disconnect when closed and reopened too fast

  • Fixed deleting a Project would not be possible if the user was not the owner but had deletion rights

  • Fixed metamodel version label in Registry

  • Fixed pagination in Analytics when the view was empty

  • Fixed revoking all active sessions would delete all App and API keys


  • Moved Announcements to be set only in Admin Center

  • Upgraded Font Awesome used for icons to version 6