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📅Release Cycle
  • Release:Jun 4th, 2024

  • Preview:Jun 7th, 2024

  • Production:Jul 5th, 2024



  • Renamed Scraping to Synchronization

  • Renamed Reporting to Analytics

  • Added automatic Synchronization to Analytics

  • Added User Groups to Analytics

  • Added field filters to Analytics

  • Added user and user group details to Analytics

  • Added Audit Log for Integration Hub

  • Added Audit Log for Reporting

  • Added collapse all items within a List of Items questions in Questionnaire


  • Fixed Analytics Synchronization crash after some content was deleted

  • Fixed Answered (current phase) Field had wrong order

  • Fixed minor pagination issues in Analytics

  • Fixed Value Integration save issues

  • Fixed new columns and rows focus in Values in Value Integration

  • Fixed link to Registry from Knowledge Model import

  • Fixed AND button in Projects list filter of users would do nothing

  • Fixed typo in error message in Imports


  • Unified visual styles of TODOs and Comments in Questionnaire